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About In Harmony Food Revolution
In Harmony Food Revolution (IHFR) is a Community Interest Company (CIC) dedicated to preventing food waste and providing education around food, nutrition and growing and cooking healthy food.
At our Growing in Harmony site at Kirkleatham in Redcar our work is focused around organic growing, with educational aspects including opportunities to learn horticulture, woodworking, sustainability and small animal care. In this therapeutic environment volunteers, attendees and visitors experience many benefits to their physical and emotional health and wellbeing. Growing in Harmony offers the opportunity to experience a true sense of community in a nurturing and healing natural environment.
At our Harmony Hub site people can make use of food that would otherwise have gone to waste. The Harmony Hub was at the heart of an inclusive and supportive community that attended our lunch clubs, soup and social and other ad hoc activities aimed at bringing people together, ending social isolation and providing people with the tools to build healthy and happy lives. Sadly the building is going up for sale shortly so this work has mostly finished except for the small shop.
One of our aims is to help people develop community growing projects in their local areas. We offer training and support with this from our site at Kirkleatham. We also have outreach projects, such as the community garden at Skinningrove where, in partnership with Middlesbrough Football Club Foundation we have supported local people in renovating a neglected garden and provided support and training in how to maintain it. The garden has now been handed over to the community who manage it themselves with the support of a local business.
IHFR started trading in 2017 and was initially developed as a partner organisation to Teesside Homeless Action Group (THAG). As well as helping people with housing difficulties to make healthier lifestyle choices we began working increasingly with people with other challenges including loneliness and social isolation, drug and alcohol abuse, long term unemployment and mental health issues.
With an ethos of inclusivity we encourage people to be the best version of themselves regardless of external circumstance. Helping people find meaning, purpose and independence has always been central to our work.
We have twenty years experience of growing, cooking and eating our own food with people from all backgrounds and providing education on the benefits of locally grown seasonal food.
How Can I Help?
New volunteers are always welcome with opportunities in:
Woodworking and brickwork
Natural growing methods
Working with small animals
Working in the kitchen
Food service
Donations of goods, services or money are always welcome
Contact to find out more
or contact Francis on 07707504453