About In Harmony Food Revolution
In Harmony Food Revolution (IHFR) is a Community Interest Company (CIC) aiming to prevent food waste and provide local organically grown healthy food to people of all backgrounds including those on low income.
We achieve this through our two main projects:
Growing in Harmony - An outdoor project focused around organic growing, with educational aspects including training in horticulture, woodworking, sustainability and small animal care.
In the near future we will be using our Growing in Harmony site to deliver training on the Community Growing based around the methods of the Havana Urban food growing model.
The Harmony Hub - An indoor project focused around nutrition and the prevention of food waste where people can learn to cook cheaply and healthily and can use the pay as you feel shop which we stock with supermarket surplus food that would have gone to landfill.
IHFR started trading in 2017 and was initially developed as a partner organisation to Teesside Homeless Action Group (THAG). The two organisations continue to work alongside one another as homelessness and food poverty often go hand in hand.
In the current environmental climate, however, it is not only those in poverty who are conscious of the waste produced in our society and as more and more of us start to think about how we can be less wasteful and more thoughtful with our food, the methods employed by IHFR take on greater and greater relevance for us all.
In addition to addressing the issue of food waste, food grown locally using organic methods also addresses the environmental damage done by transporting food long distances and the health problems caused by the additives we consume in processed food, which is why IHFR welcomes people from all walks of life, backgrounds and income levels to our workshops and as volunteers, the only requirement is a desire to see less food waste.